Nisi, Elis

Country: Greece
Region: West Greece
Regional unit: Elis
Municipality: Andravida-Kyllini
Municipal unit: Vouprasia
Population statistics (as of 2001)
 - Population: 661
Time zone: EET/EEST (UTC+2/3)

Nisi (Greek: Νησί, older form: Nision) is a Greek village located 54 km southwest of Patras and about 50 km northeast of Pyrgos. The GR-9/E55 (Patras - Pyrgos - Kyparissia) are accessed via the road to Varda and the road to Lappa. Nisi had a population of 378 in 2001 for the village and 661 for the municipal district. Nisi is in the municipal unit of Vouprasia. Nisi is connected with the road linking Varda and the monastery and north to Lappa and south to Xenies and Aetorrachi.


Municipal districts

Nearest places


Nissi is situated in a hilly area. The area are made up of farmlands and forests that are in the western, the central and the eastern portions. The Movri mountains lies to the east as well as the Larissos. The land is near the land once owned by the King of Greece which spanned from Amaliada to Metochi. Its main production are fruits including watermelon, melon, figs and vegetables including corn, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers and others as well as dairy, livestock, olives and others. The majority of the population are rural-based, the rest work on services as well as a growing number on agricultural factories. The population had left for larger cities and outside Greece but an increase in population did not see a large emigration.

Residential and other buildings are within the main and farm roads. The transformer line connecting Patras and Pyrgos runs to the northwest and a secondary one also to the south connecting with other parts.

The population lost dramatically between 1981 and 2001 saw a decline by half but the population was unchanged between 1991 and 2001.


Year Village population Municipal district population
1981 620 -
1991 378 -
2001 378 661

External links

See also
